
[Rimawari-kun] Traditional Japanese house rehabilitation to preserve history × local community revitalization with a hot spring inn! An income-type fund "Etchu Inami Machiya Ryokan 'KOKARIAN' Villa phase.2" will be launched following the previous development-type fund!

SYLA Co., Ltd. (Head office: Shibuya-ku, Tokyo; CEO: Yoshiyuki Yuto; hereinafter "SYLA") will begin accepting applications for an income-type fund, "Etchu Inami Machiya Ryokan 'KOKARIAN' Villa phase.2," presented by Risshisha (Head office: Kyoto City, Kyoto; Representative Director: Koji Maeda; hereinafter "Risshisha") and operated by "tail west" (Head office: Nanto City, Toyama; Representative Director: Yuzo Nishio; hereinafter "tail west") on Monday, November 13. The offering amount is 182.23 million yen, and the expected yield is 5.5%.

* Machiya refers to a traditional Japanese house, while Ryokan signifies a traditional Japanese inn.

▼ Etchu Inami Machiya Ryokan 'KOKARIAN' Villa phase.2

Background of the Fund

This is an income-type fund that will be managed as Phase 2 of the previous development-type fund “Etchu Inami Machiya Ryokan 'KOKARIAN' Villa,” which was successfully completed with our investors’ supportive investment, and very well received with a waiting list of nearly 100 million yen investments.

▼ Development-type Fund: “Etchu Inami Machiya Ryokan 'KOKARIAN' Villa”

The rehabilitation projects of traditional Japanese houses are attracting attention as an important means of revitalizing local communities. These projects add new value to the properties, which is expected to create demand as tourism resources. Rimawari-kun will continue to support efforts to revitalize local communities, solve the vacant house issues, and preserve traditional Japanese houses.

Special benefits for investors depending on the amount of investment

▼ Investment of 5 million yen or more
Three pairs (a total of six people) will be randomly selected to receive a discount for a stay at “Etchu Inami Machiya Ryokan 'KOKARIAN' Villa”!

▼ Investment of 3 million yen or more
Five pairs (a total of ten people) will be randomly selected to receive a discount for a stay at "Inami 'KOKARIAN' Auberge*"!
* Different lodging from “Etchu Inami Machiya Ryokan 'KOKARIAN' Villa”

For details, please refer to the fund page.

・Reliable management supporting "KOKARIAN”

The concept of “Etchu Inami Machiya Ryokan 'KOKARIAN' Villa” is to showcase Toyama's finest ingredients and provide a full culinary experience to guests, limited to one pair per day. Guests can savor Toyama’s abundant seafood in a luxurious traditional Japanese house setting. The water in the open-air bath in the guest room is sourced from a nearby hot spring, offering a blissful experience as guests enjoy the view of a magnificent courtyard where seasonal events were once held. "KOKARIAN” provides a unique escape from the routine, allowing guests to embrace a richer, more tranquil experience.

“Etchu Inami Machiya Ryokan 'KOKARIAN' Villa” will be operated by tail west. Mr. Yuzo Nishio, the representative director of tail west, shared, “There had been three attempts to launch a lodging business on this property before us, but they didn't succeed. The combination of the luxurious ambiance of a traditional Japanese house and the abundance of ingredients from Toyama perfectly aligns with the concept of “KOKARIAN.” Based on my experience in this industry, I understand the significant demand for revitalizing old establishments and giving them a fresh appeal.”

With over a decade of experience as a ryokan consultant, Mr. Nishio is confident in his ability to attract customers to this property. In fact, “KOKARIAN,” currently in operation, maintained high occupancy rates even during the COVID-19 outbreak and now boasts sales 1.5 times higher than pre-COVID-19.

・Vacant traditional Japanese house rehabilitation projects that protect artisanal neighborhoods

Vacant traditional Japanese house rehabilitation refers to the renovation and remodeling of old private houses to make them suitable for living and business once again. In Japan today, there are many old, traditional Japanese houses. While it is desirable to preserve their historical and cultural values, these houses are often demolished or left vacant because they do not align with modern lifestyles. The maintenance and reuse of these properties have become a significant social issue. If we can realize vacant traditional Japanese house rehabilitation, we have the opportunity to create new value while preserving and passing on local culture and history.

As many as 156 vacant houses had been left in Inami to date. However, recently, new restaurants and lodging facilities have been opening one after another as a result of these projects. Inami, known for its elegant townscape featuring cobblestone streets and rows of traditional houses, has earned recognition as a Japan Heritage site for its woodcarvings. On the other hand, the increasing number of vacant traditional Japanese houses has become an issue, along with a declining birth rate.

In recent years, Akiya Labo, which literally means “vacant house laboratory,” has been ambitiously addressing this issue. Akiya Labo aims to reduce the number of vacant houses in Inami and attract new residents and entrepreneurs. Through their system that connects owners who "want to utilize vacant houses" with prospective buyers who "want to use vacant houses," 42 vacant houses and stores have been revitalized since 2016.

In this way, Inami is actively rehabilitating vacant traditional houses to preserve the traditional artisan townscape and revitalize the community, garnering the attention of people, especially those interested in starting new businesses there.

・Scheme and Fund Information

Fund name: “Etchu Inami Machiya Ryokan 'KOKARIAN' Villa phase.2”
Offering Amount: 182,230,000 yen
Expected yield: 5.5%
Time for distribution: Once every 6 months
Fund management period: 3 years
Type of application: First-come, first-served
Term of application: 12:00, Monday, November 13, 2023 – 12:00, Monday, November 20, 2023
Website for application:

What is "supportive" real estate crowdfunding platform "Rimawari-kun"?

With the concept of "support in a new form," Rimawari-kun is a "’supportive’ real estate crowdfunding platform” that allows people to invest from 10,000 yen per unit in real estate that contributes to society, revitalization of local communities, and supports someone's dreams and challenges.