”世界中の不動産投資を民主化する。人生100年時代をテクノロジーと資産運用で豊かに。”をミッションに掲げ、不動産クラウドファウンディング「利回りくん」、不動産売買、賃貸、管理および仲介などの事業を手掛ける、株式会社シーラテクノロジーズ(本社:東京都渋谷区、代表取締役会長 CEO:杉本宏之、代表取締役社長 COO:湯藤善行)は、米国株式市場ナスダックへ2023年3月31日(金)に新規上場し、4月10日(月)に米国ナスダック本社にてナスダック上場セレモニーを開催いたしました。

上場セレモニーでは、Nasdaq Senior Executive HostのDavid Wicks氏が登壇し、日本一のクラウドファンディングサービスを展開するシーラテクノロジーズが、世界一を目指す第一歩としてナスダック市場へ上場することに対して、祝辞を述べました。その後、シーラテクノロジーズ 代表取締役会長 兼 CEO杉本宏之による代表挨拶とベルセレモニーを行いました。
【杉本宏之 代表挨拶】
First of all, I would like to thank everyone.
Customers, employees, shareholders, business partners, my late father and mother, and the partner Yuto who was close to me at all times.
And Bosted securitiesLead underwriter,Marlon Bailey Audit firm,Laura Anthony A lawyer's office,BEVALAQUA A lawyer's office,Bank of New York Mellon.
This listing would not have been possible without their cooperation.Thank you.
Today is a special day for us. Time flies like wind !
I lost my parents when I was young, worked hard from the age of 19, and decided to start a business by experiencing 9/11 in the United States.
For four years after starting a business, sales have tripled every year.
And the youngest to be listed in Japan 2005, but 2008 due to the financial crisis, sales and employees declined by 95 % and I almost have given up many times since then, but we were finally able to reach this day.
It feels like yesterday we have started our business.
Now, today, we are starting line of the endless marathon.When we started our business everyone said "it was impossible."
But, dreams come true. Currently, we are the number one share of real estate crowd funding in Japan, We will be number one in the world.
Our prop tech and fin tech will change the world! Be Humble. Be Ambitious.
Thank you very much!
【上場セレモニー 実施概要】
■現地会場:4タイムズスクエア1F “studio”
■内 容:通知書贈呈/ベルセレモニー/代表挨拶